For Academic Audiences:
“Becoming a Welcoming Church and How Youth Can Help” in International Journal of Urban Transformation 1, no.1 (October 2016): 95-108.
“A Way Forward: Nurturing the Imagination at the Intersection of Race, Class, Gender, and Age,” Religious Education 111, no.4 (July-September 2016): 415.
“Parachurch Children’s Organization” and “Parachurch College Ministries.” In Encyclopedia of Christian Education, ed. George Thomas Kurian and Mark A Lamport (Lanham, MD: Roman and Littlefield Publishers, 2015)
“Delores Carpenter” Christian Educators of the 20th Century
For Church Audiences:
“Revealed or Concealed? God’s Self Revelation in Worship, Prayer, and Community” published in The Journal for Student Ministries July/August 2006
“Hidden Tricks, Real God: A Conversation with Illusionist Brock Gill” published in The Journal for Student Ministries July/August 2006
“Cross-Cultural Communications,” published in Youthworker Journal
September/October 2003
“Part of the Village: The Kinship Model,” published in Youthworker Journal
March/April 2003
“Being ‘Left Behind”: College-Aged but Still Local,” published in Youthworker Journal July/August 2002
Nurturing the Sanctified Imagination of Urban Youth. Under book contract. Expected to be published early 2020.
Religious Education as Public Theology: A Black Perspective, co-editor. Expected to be published early 2020.