Published Works and Presentations
For Academic Audiences:
“Becoming a Welcoming Church and How Youth Can Help” in International Journal of Urban Transformation 1, no.1 (October 2016): 95-108.
“A Way Forward: Nurturing the Imagination at the Intersection of Race, Class, Gender, and Age,” Religious Education 111, no.4 (July-September 2016): 415.
“Parachurch Children’s Organization” and “Parachurch College Ministries.” In Encyclopedia of Christian Education, ed. George Thomas Kurian and Mark A Lamport (Lanham, MD: Roman and Littlefield Publishers, 2015)
“Delores Carpenter” Christian Educators of the 20th Century
For Church Audiences:
“Revealed or Concealed? God’s Self Revelation in Worship, Prayer, and Community” published in The Journal for Student Ministries July/August 2006
“Hidden Tricks, Real God: A Conversation with Illusionist Brock Gill” published in The Journal for Student Ministries July/August 2006
“Cross-Cultural Communications,” published in Youthworker Journal September/October 2003
“Part of the Village: The Kinship Model,” published in Youthworker Journal March/April 2003
“Being ‘Left Behind”: College-Aged but Still Local,” published in Youthworker Journal July/August 2002
Nurturing the Sanctified Imagination of Urban Youth. Under book contract. Expected to be published Spring 2020.
From Lament to Public Advocacy: Black Religious Education and Public Theology, co-editor. Expected to be published Spring 2020.
For Academic Audiences:
“In Between the Lines and Outside the Cannon: Learning from What They Don’t Teach You” presented as the Cogen Alumni Fellow Lecture at Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA. February 25, 2019.
“Nurturing Justice: “Walking Besides Youth in Their Quest for a Fair and Just World” presented at the Tipple/Vosberg Lectures and launch of the Social Justice Leadership Project at Drew University Theological School’s. October 3, 2018.
“Selfies, Self Image, and the Imago Dei” presented at the Princeton Institute of Youth Ministry Forum, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ April, 2018.
“Liberative Imagination as the Theological Starting Point of Youth Ministry” presented at the John Leland Center for Theological Studies, Alexandria, VA, December 2015.
“A Way Forward: Nurturing the Imagination at the Intersection of Race, Class, Gender, and Age” presented at the Annual Meeting of Religious Education Association: An Association of Professionals, Practitioners, and Researchers in Religious Education, Atlanta, GA, November 2015.
“When My Story Becomes Our Story: Intergenerational and Reciprocal Mentoring as a Form of Youth Ministry” presented at the Princeton Institute of Youth Ministry Forum, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ, April, 2014.
“Walking Through the Identity Mine Fields with Teenage Girls” presented at the Princeton Institute of Youth Ministry Forum, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ, April 2011
“No Longer! Galatians 3:26-29 as a Foundation for an Emancipatory Ecclesiology and Religious Education with and for Working Class Girls of Color” presented at the Annual Meeting of Religious Education Association: An Association of Professionals, Practitioners, and Researchers in Religious Education, Dallas, TX, November, 2009.
For Church Audiences:
What is Practical Theology? Presented to the Challengers Class at Harvard Avenue Christian Church, Tulsa, OK. October 20, 2019
Advent Sermon preached at Kingston Presbyterian Church Kingston, NJ, December 3, 2017.
“Exploring Christian Education” presented to a leadership conference for Rivers of Life Church, Harlem, NY, April 22, 2017.
“In the Wilderness.” Sermon preached at Kingston Presbyterian Church Kingston, NJ, March 5, 2017.
“Let Us Pray.” Sermon preached at the First Presbyterian Church of Rahway, Rahway, NJ, February 13, 2017.
“Expect Something Great.” Sermon preached at the chapel of Drew Theological School, Madison, NJ, January 26, 2017.
“Beyond Pink and Blue: Youth Ministry and Gender” presented at the CEF (Christians Engaged in Faith Formation) annual meeting, Nashville, TN, October 2014.
“Intergenerational Mentoring” presented at the CEF (Christians Engaged in Faith Formation) annual meeting, Nashville, TN, October 2014.
“Theological Imagination as a Starting Point of Youth Ministry” presented at “The Summit” sponsored by The Youth Cartel, Atlanta, GA, November 2013.