
Thank you for considering me as a presenter. I am grateful for the opportunities I have to deliver academic lectures, teach in degree programs, lead workshops for parents and youth, and preach or lead worship.

In order to assist you in making a request, consider the things that help me decide which opportunities to accept:

  • Does this opportunity match my current teaching/research responsibilities?
  • Can I adequately prepare without compromising other responsibilities and keeping a realistic balance in my life? (e.g., family events, course teaching, total travel time in a month, etc.)
  • In what ways, am I, in particular, suited for this event?
  • Is the honorarium within the norm that you have paid to other guests with similar credentials including all travel expenses?
  • Finally, will it have a lasting impact on the ministry and learning of the community? (youth, parents, students, educators, etc.)
Thank you!
Additional Contact Information
Rev. Annie Lockhart-Gilroy, PhD
Assistant Professor of Christian Education and Practical Theology
Phillips Theological Seminary
901 N. Mingo Road
Tulsa, OK 74116